
What is Orthokeratology?

Orthokeratology is used to correct one‘s vision when a patient with myopia or myopia astigmatism wear the orthokeratology lens overnight. After removing the lens, the corrected corneal shape is maintained for a certain period of time for an improvement in unaided vision.

Mechanism of Orthokeratology lens

[Before the lens is inserted]

Light usually focuses on the retina using the refractive power of the cornea and crystalline lens, but with myopia, the image is blurred because the light focuses in front of the retina.

[While the lens is inserted]

By wearing the orthokeratology lens when sleeping, the special inner surface curve reshapes the anterior surface of the cornea allowing the light to focus on the retina, where the image is clear.

[After the lens is removed]

Since the shape of the anterior surface of the cornea remains flattened by the orthokeratology lens for a certain period of time after removing the lens, unaided vision is improved during the day.

Schedule of wearing Orthokeratology lens